Monday, April 18, 2011

Books on gluten sensitivity, celiac disease and gluten intolerance syndromes

Here is a list of some books that are available which can help in the understanding of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. Be aware, however, that the research is uncovering new information at a rapid pace and some parts of some books may be out of date. I recommend also reading on-line news letters to keep up to date, such as  or . Also and
I use Dr. Campbell-McBride’s book as a diet manual after the initial diagnosis of gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. I find people who do a specific carbohydrate diet or GAPS diet (Paleo without gluten) initially, do the best.

The Gluten Connection by Shari Lieberman PhD
Dangerous Grains by Drs. Braly and Hoggan.
The Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, neurologist and PhD in Nutrition.
Healthier Without Wheat by Dr. Stephen Waggen
The Gluten Effect by Drs. Richard and Vikki Petersen
Cereal Killers by Dr. Ron Hoggan-2010

To your wellness and happiness.

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