Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dr. Christiane Northrup’s Top Tips for Women’s Breast Health

Undiagnosed persons with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity have a four times increased risk of cancer than than the regular population. The good news is, that 5 years of a gluten free diet seems to bring the risk of cancer down to the normal rate in the population. 

This rate is still pretty high: 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women can expect to get this diagnosis.

But with a few simple lifestyle habits, that risk can be lowered. Eat a grain free diet (low glycemic), maximize your magnesium intake, meditate, sleep in total darkness 7-9 hours a night, exercise moderately, find out what your vitamin D level is and keep it in the 100-150 nmol/l range, find out what your homocysteine level is and keep it below 8 with supplemental methylators ( which are mainly B vitamins), have less than 10 alcoholic drinks a week for men, and less than 6 alcoholic drinks a week for women, have good mental and emotional coping strategies and don't smoke.

Below is an excerpt of an interview with Dr. Christiane Northrup, done by Dr. Mercola.She is a practicing physician, an OB-GYN who has dedicated a good portion of her life to helping women take control of their life and health. Dr. Northrup is also a New York Times best selling author and important educator and public speaker on natural health issues for women.

Many Cancers Heal on Their Own...

Another important study was published in November 2008 in the Archives of Internal Medicine.2 This study followed more than 200,000 Norwegian women between the ages of 50 and 64 over two consecutive six-year periods. Half received regular periodic breast exams or regular mammograms, while the others had no regular breast cancer screenings. The study reported that those women receiving regular screenings had 22 percent more incidence of breast cancer.

The researchers, as well as another team of doctors who did not take part in the study but who analyzed the data, concluded that the women who didn’t have regular breast cancer screenings probably had the same number of occurrences of breast cancer, but that their bodies had somehow corrected the abnormalities on their own.

“Of course, this makes complete sense, because your immune system is set up to recognize and destroy cancers in the right environment,” Dr. Northrup says. “The right environment, of course, is enough sleep, a low-glycemic diet, enough vitamin D, and also regular handling of resentments, anger, grief, and loss.

I think what I want women to know is that your breasts are not two potentially pre-malignant lesions sitting on your chest. The problem with our paradigm – whether it’s tomosynthesis or mammograms – is that it will find things that were never going to go anywhere. And then you’re out there wearing a pink ribbon and running for the cure, thinking that you were going to die of breast cancer when you never will, and never would.”

Your immune system is setup to recognize and destroy cancers given the right environment. And the right environment includes a grain free, low glycemic diet, sometimes called a GAPS diet and the lifestyle habits mentioned above. 

Read the whole article especially if you've been contemplating getting a screening mammogram.

To your health.
Dr. Barbara

Thursday, April 18, 2013

What is Homocysteine and Why You Should Know About It?

What is homocysteine and why you should know about it?

I think knowing your homocysteine level is paramount to preventing and treating cardiac, neurological, psychiatric conditions as well as cancer. 

Why take a Homocysteine Test? - watch this

In summary, a homocysteine (H) test is suitable for anyone that is concerned about their heart health,strokes or abnormal clotting. A recent review of the research on H suggested that each 3 umol/L point decrease in the H levels might, on average reduce the risk of:

-heart attacks by 16%
-strokes by 24%
-DVT (deep vein thrombosis) by 25%

Here you can read what Dr. McIntyre says about taking supplements to normalize the metabolism of homocysteine, if you should find it above 8. They are safe, effective and without side effects. What more can you want, to easily add years of healthy life.

I've highlighted some areas and added the bold.


This week’s blog will focus on the subject of homocysteine. You can see from below that I have included the same methylation diagram from last week. In the middle of this diagram you can see homocysteine. So what is it and why is it important?

Homocysteine is an amino acid formed by the removal of a methyl group from methionine. Unfortunately, it has been shown that homocysteine is toxic at high levels. It has been implicated in a number of inflammatory processes in the body including increasing risk of cardiovascular, diabetes, bone and neurocognitive diseases. A physician’s health study revealed that men with higher homocysteine levels had a threefold higher risk of coronary events.

Levels of homocysteine can be measured via blood test. Optimal ranges do vary depending on age and gender but a goal of having a level of 6 µmol/L or less is considered optimal. If you are at all concerned about preventative medicine and an anti-aging approach, knowing your homocysteine level is a must in my opinion.
Homocysteine can be methylated back into methionine via trimethylglycine (betaine) and an enzyme called BHMT. In addition, homocysteine can also be re-methylated via the enzyme MS (methionine synthase), which is very dependent on methyl B12 for its reaction. For homocysteine to be converted downstream to cysteine, vitamin B6 is a required cofactor.

You can see the importance of all of these vitamin cofactors to make sure that homocysteine is dealt with in an efficient and effective manner. I want to again feature the AOR product MaxMethyl as a product to help you achieve healthy homocysteine levels. With therapeutic levels of TMG (Betaine) ,B6, folate and B12,it has been formulated to include the necessary ingredients for the proper methlyation of homocysteine.

One study using the combination of ingredients in MaxMethyl was shown to significantly reduce levels of homocysteine after just 6 weeks of supplementation. Happy methylating!



Galway, J.G. Metabolism at a Glance. 2nd Ed. 1999. P.54.


Thanks to the folks at AOR for the use of this blog entry.

To your health.
Dr. Barbara

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Can Wheat Drive More Than Your Digestive System Crazy?

Wheat and other forms of gluten cause serious mental and neurological illnesses in the susceptible person.

Read the whole article after reading this exerpt, written by Sayer Ji, of GreenMedInfo.com which details a new study published in the journal Psychiatry Research, and seven others which have shown a link with gluten ingestion and mania and schizophrenia. 

The take away is: individuals with mania had significantly increased levels of IgG antibodies to gliadin.

Posted on: Tuesday, March 13th 2012 at 9:15 am
Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder

Wheat could be driving more than your digestive system crazy.

While wheat is well known to wreak havoc on the gastrointestinal health of genetically susceptible folks, such as those with celiac disease, and more recently, irritable bowel syndrome, new research published in the journal Psychiatry Research indicates that sensitivity to one of the components in wheat known as gliadin could be driving some into states of acute mania:

"The relationship of the antibodies to the clinical course of mania was analyzed by the use of regression models. Individuals with mania had significantly increased levels of IgG antibodies to gliadin, but not other markers of celiac disease, at baseline compared with controls in multivariate analyses."

"Among the individuals with mania, elevated levels at follow-up were significantly associated with re-hospitalization in the six month follow-up period."1

While correlation does not equal causation, it is interesting to note that there is already robust supportive research on the link between wheat consumption and schizophrenia. Seven such studies can be viewed on our open source wheat database, for those inclined to explore this connection further. You will also find listed there over a dozen neurological conditions linked to wheat consumption.

For an additional explanation for why wheat may exhibit neurotoxic, if not also psychotropic properties, the excerpts from our essay series The Dark Side of Wheat are provided to shed light on the topic:

Gliadin can be broken down into various amino acid lengths or peptides. Gliadorphin is a 7 amino acid long peptide: Tyr-Pro-Gln-Pro-Gln-Pro-Phe which forms when the gastrointestinal system is compromised. When digestive enzymes are insufficient to break gliadorphin down into 2-3 amino acid lengths and a compromised intestinal wall allows for the leakage of the entire 7 amino acid long fragment into the blood, glaidorphin can pass through to the brain through circumventricular organs and activate opioid receptors resulting in disrupted brain function.

Dr Dohan has shown improvement of individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, who went on a gluten free diet. Humm.

To your health,
Dr. Barbara

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The #1 Cause of Flab and Diabetes, According to Dr. Amen

One of the dietary guidelines to healing the bowel of those with gluten sensitivity and celiac, and tackling the secondary illness that go along with a gluten induced disease, like osteoporosis, and depression, is to eliminate sugar. And to eliminate the foods that are converted into "sugars". These sugars cause hormone imbalances,dysbiosis and liver stress. 

But does limiting the amount of sugar eaten work to prevent the development of illness?

A recent study has conclusively linked eating sugar with the development of diabetes. 

Please read the following interesting commentary from Dr. Amen, a psychiatrist who does cutting edge medicine.

And included in his piece, are links that explain clearly why carbohydrates from processed sugars, but also from grains, beans, and potatoes are linked to disease. 

GAPS diet, which is a satisfying way to eat, avoids these problematic carbs. There are many similar diets marketed, but Dr. Campbell- McBride also has added supplements to ensure a better result.

The whole GAPS protocol speeds recovery from a new diagnosis of celiac or gluten sensitivity.

The #1 Cause of Flab and Diabetes

I just got finished reading a remarkable article published in the New York Times that reviewed the details of an astounding study that was recently published.

This study, for the first time ever, conclusively pinpointed the #1 cause of type 2 diabetes and by extension, excess, stubborn weight.

They did, however, miss one incredibly important detail, which I'll explain in a second, but first, let's get to the good stuff that they did get right.

The study showed that the link between this #1 cause of type 2 diabetes and by extension, extra, stubborn flab, was just as strong as the link between cigarettes and lung cancer.

So what is this #1 cause?

Sugar - plain and simple. Shocked? I didn't think so. But what was shocking is what this column goes on to say: "All calories give off the same amount of energy when burned, but your body treats sugar calories differently, and that difference is damaging."

Finally -- someone from the mainstream media acknowledging what we've known for years, which is that not all calories are created equal… and that the most devastating waist-expanding, artery-clogging, diabetes-causing calories you can consume comes from sugar.

However, this study and this article miss one incredibly important detail. It's not just plain old sugar itself that triggers your body to accumulate excess fat and causes type 2 diabetes - it's also all of the foods that our bodies quickly turn INTO sugar that does the SAME thing.

These are foods that most of us eat everyday - foods that we thought were healthy, but in fact are absolutely LOADED with sugar in various forms.

It's these hidden forms of sugar that you must absolutely avoid at all costs -- they completely shut down your body's primary fat burning hormone while forcing your body's primary fat storage hormone to overact, causing layer upon layer of unwanted fat to accumulate./

Fortunately, I recently came across a fantastic explanation by a world-renowned nutritionist in which he outlines all of these hidden forms of sugar - and exactly how you can avoid them.

==> NEVER Eat These 2 Foods to Avoid Excess Flab and Type 2 Diabetes…

This is really a fantastic explanation and I highly recommend you go see it right now as I am not sure how long it will be up for.

That's it for today - just wanted to make sure you saw this - enjoy.

In brain health,
Daniel G. Amen, M.D.

To your Health!
Dr. Barbara