Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Gluten Summit Discount Price On Recordings Ends Tomorrow...You Still Have Time To Get Your Copy!

My mission is to get high quality information about gluten induced disorders to as many people as possible. The Gluten Summit reached a lot of people and there was something it in for everyone.

I don't want you to miss out on an amazing deal offered by the team at the Gluten Summit. Until midnight U.S. EST, Thursday November 21st, you can get the recordings at a discounted price.

The digital downloadable package now $67.00 US will go to $97.00 US and the Library package now $499.00 US will go to $697.00 US.

The Gluten Summit was packed with life- changing information from 29 experts. In either format you can study the interviews: audio with powerpoint presentation at your leisure.Or share it with friends and family when it is more convenient.

The purchasing information is here.

To Your Health

Dr. Barbara
PS I don't have any financial ties to the "Summit" or to any company that sponsored the Summit. Nor to EnteroLab.